This page lists the policies and procedures that govern the operation of the Choral Society. The headings below contain links to the individual documents. Each document will be reviewed annually and updated where necessary – the date of the latest update is shown under the description.
If you have any questions relating to the operation of the policies and procedures, please contact a member of the Committee.
Table of Contents
- Constitution of the St Asaph Choral Society
- Grievance Policy and Procedure
- Health and Safety Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Data Protection Policy
Constitution of the St Asaph Choral Society
A constitution is a document that conveys the system of fundamental principles by which an organisation is governed. To view the constitution for the St Asaph Choral Society, please click here .
Document last updated on 5/9/2024.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
St Asaph Choral society is committed to dealing with grievances fairly; consistently and without unreasonable delay. This document sets out the way in which a member, committee member or Trustee should make a complaint they have related to the choir. The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that, as far as possible, disputes or the escalation of any dispute may be avoided. To view the Grievance Policy and Procedure document, please click here .
Document last updated on 5/9/2024.
Health and Safety Policy
St Asaph Choral Society is committed to ensuring that it complies with all relevant health and safety legislation where it is reasonably practicable to do so. The Society is committed to ongoing monitoring and review processes, so that continual improvement in the management of health and safety can be achieved. To view the Health and Safety Policy document, please click here .
Document last updated on 5/9/2024.
Safeguarding Policy
St Asaph Choral Society believes that safeguarding is an important part of the Society’s operation. As such, the Society has a duty of care to our members as part of our role as professionals and volunteers in the Charity sector. To view the Safeguarding Policy document, please click here .
Document last updated on 5/9/2024.
Social Media Policy
Like other voluntary organisations, the Choral Society relies on social media (e.g. FaceBook, Instagram, X, WhatsApp, YouTube and the Web application readers are using to access this page) for publishing, sharing and discussing information. This policy describes the guidelines for the use of social media in the context of the Choral Society. To view the Social Media Policy document, please click here .
Document last updated on 5/9/2024.
Data Protection Policy
In order to operate, the Choral Society needs to gather, store and use certain items of information about the individuals connected with the Society. This document explains how data will be collected, stored, used and disposed of under the Society’s data protection standards.
Please click here to see the Data Protection Policy document.
Document last updated on 15/6/2022
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